The Dillinger Escape Plan: One of Us Is the Killer
A string of assassinations made by a politically-motivated killer known only to the public as The Quill serves as the spark to ignite a full-scale revolution. Set in a technologically advanced American City in the not too distant future, VERTICAL INTEGRATION CORP. has seized all means of production and capital available, creating a financial synergy unlike any that has ever existed. Employees work and live in this living city-sized factory supporting the lives of the ruling business class while subjected to living in tenements. The Quill is the never-seen but soft-spoken hero of the lower class.
1x 7.25x11 Hardcover
1x 7.25x11 Hardcover with Slipcase
3x 8x10 Art Prints
1x Dillinger Holographic Sticker
1x Digital Download Card
1x 7.25x11 Hardcover with Slipcase
3x 8x10 Art Prints
1x One of Us Is the Killer vinyl
3x 4x6 Song Cards
1x Dillinger Holographic Sticker
1x Digital Download Card
1x 7.25x11 Hardcover with rare, limited edition slipcase
3x 8x10 Art Prints
1x One of Us Is the Killer vinyl
4x 4x6 Song Cards
1x double-sided Challenge Coin
1x Dillinger Holographic Sticker
1x Digital Download Card
The Dillinger Escape Plan: One of Us Is the Killer
The Dillinger Escape Plan: One of Us Is the Killer
A string of assassinations made by a politically-motivated killer known only to the public as The Quill serves as the spark to ignite a full-scale revolution. Set in a technologically advanced American City in the not too distant future, VERTICAL INTEGRATION CORP. has seized all means of production and capital available, creating a financial synergy unlike any that has ever existed. Employees work and live in this living city-sized factory supporting the lives of the ruling business class while subjected to living in tenements. The Quill is the never-seen but soft-spoken hero of the lower class.
1x 7.25x11 Hardcover
1x 7.25x11 Hardcover with Slipcase
3x 8x10 Art Prints
1x Dillinger Holographic Sticker
1x Digital Download Card
1x 7.25x11 Hardcover with Slipcase
3x 8x10 Art Prints
1x One of Us Is the Killer vinyl
3x 4x6 Song Cards
1x Dillinger Holographic Sticker
1x Digital Download Card
1x 7.25x11 Hardcover with rare, limited edition slipcase
3x 8x10 Art Prints
1x One of Us Is the Killer vinyl
4x 4x6 Song Cards
1x double-sided Challenge Coin
1x Dillinger Holographic Sticker
1x Digital Download Card